Dear Rabbi Shimon and Rebbizen Chanie,Â
 You have made this Shabbas delicious and meaningful  by sending a box -load of much needed personally prepared meals two of which were used for kiddush meals this past Shabbas. It helped me and the Health Aides to focus on Barry and his recovery from surgery.Â
Thank you again.Â
I can't thank you enough for sending the meals. Â It was the kindest, most thoughtful of gestures. Â This has been a horrible ordeal for our family with many highs and lows. Â You just reminded us that there is love and support for our family. Â I have wanted to join a women's group at Chabad and hope when *** is settled in rehab, Â I will be able to. Â Please thank all of the people involved. Â We are truly grateful. Â Please remember to keep *** in your prayers. Â He needs them from all of us.
Dear Circle of Hope,
My aunt and I came by the end of November to your breast cancer service area. I want to say "thank you" for your kindness and generosity. We appreciated the time and effort you took to show us your services, wigs, hats and eyebrow tattoos.
Best, LauraÂ
Dear Rabbi and your Family,
Thank you so much for all the help you have made possible for me. Â The food really means a lot. Â There are days IÂ don't have the strength to go out to shop,andallIÂ have to do is reach into the freezer and pull out a delicious kosher hand cooked meal from a young Jewish kid. Â What a joy. Â Happy holiday!
Love, LMÂ
Dear Rabbi Kramer,
IÂ just want to thank you for coming to visit me and talk to me about the next step in my recovery. Â I really enjoyed speaking with you; you gave me hope for the future. Â I hope you come to visit me again soon.
Sincerely, Â JIÂ
Thank you for the beautiful services you provided for Yom Kippur. Â You made our holiday meaningful!
The Feit FamilyÂ
Thank u so much for the beautiful shabbos food and treats. We can't thank u enough! Shabbat shalom to all.
With warm regards,
L, J, K & N.
Thank you for a wonderful Seder. It was quite enjoyable and everything was mitzoyan!I hope to see you in the near future, G‑d willing.
Chanie, thank you so much. A Rabbi just called me saying he received my name from you and Rabbi Kramer and he will be dropping off some food this week for my family. Perfect timing for me... I am visiting the kosher food pantry tomorrow. I wanted to thank you from my heart...
I sincerely appreciate your kindness.
Layla tov
Dear Rabbi Kramer,
We want to thank you for making J's Bar Mitzvah a meaningful and joyous occasion. You were so patient with J and taught him not only to prepare for his Bar Mitzvah but also life lessons about Judaism and how to read Hebrew.
The ceremony was beautiful! One we will treasure and look back at the video and pictures with pride.
We are also honored to be the first Bar Mitzvah in the new space. We appreciate all the effort that went into it as well.
Thank you for your dedication and support to our family. We appreciate you, your wife and the whole Chabad family and what you are contributing to our entire community.
L.A., T.A., & J.A.
 In reference to our 2015 Chanukah program:
My father built the temples in Merrick but we NEVER had anything as lovely as this night! What a blessing that "you all" are to our town.
 Dear Rabbi Kramer,
As last year, I totally enjoyed bringing my family to your High Holiday services. My granddaughter "bought" me the right to carry the Torah on the 1st day of Rosh Hashanah. What a wonderful honor!
Look forward to being in your new home. Have a wonderful year!
Dear Rabbi Kramer,
Thank you so much for having us for the Holiday services. I did enjoy it very much and I especially loved all your stories. Health & Happiness for you and your family.
Dear Rabbi Kramer,
I was pleasantly surprised and very happy that the services for Rosh Hashana went very well...As you know my daughter and her husband and two of my grandchildren live in Merrick. They tell me a lot of good Mitzvahs your doing to build the Chabad of Merrick. For the High Holidays we will join our children and grandchildren in Merrick and will join your services. I will support you in building a synagogue for Merrick.
Dear Rabbi Kramer & Chanie,
I want to take the time to thank you for your hospitality in welcoming my daughter and myself to your Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur services. It was so refreshing and we are grateful you made us feel welcome. I was craving to be part of the festivities of the holiday and partake in the services and with your welcome, I felt at home.
Thank you and may you and your family continue to strive helping others and be well.
L'Shana Tova
Dear Rabbi,
For all the blessings that Hashem has bestowed on our family, I give thanks.
Please accept this Tzedukah in memory of all our beloved departed.
Best wishes to you and your beautiful family for a Happy & Healthy New Year in a world of peace and appreciation to Hashem.
Dear Rabbi & Rebbetzin,
Thank you for building a Mikvah in our area- we currently use W. Hempstead & Plainview. The G. family shared the good news with us.
Thank you,
Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin Kramer,
Please accept this small donation as a thank you to you and your dedicated staff for being in Merrick and providing an outstanding and meaningful Jewish education, to my grandson J.O. and all of his friends.
May Hashem continue to help you grow and nurture the Jewish souls of our young children.
With much love and gratitude,
B. & S. L
Dear Rabbi kramer and Family,
Thank you very much for the very inspiring Rosh Hashana service!
Best wishes for a Gmar Chasima Tova.
I just came home from your Rosh Hashana service. I have never been to your services before. I always went to a reformed or conservative temple. I did not know what to expect. At first, the service seemed very unorganized. Well, that soon changed. Rabbi Kramer should do “stand-up comedy,” as a second career. Not only was I entertained, but I was able to relate to his entire sermon.
The only other rabbi that was able to do this was Rabbi Spar in Smithtown. He has since retired to Florida. I have not gone to temple since that time because I don’t understand or read Hebrew.
This new experience today made me excited to go to temple on Yom Kippur. I am looking forward to a pleasurable and memorable day.
Thank you,
To The Kramers- Rabbi & Chanie,
Thank you for all your knowledge and support. We will treasure all that you have taught our daughter. We look forward to her Bat Mitzvah.
S, P, I, & J P
Dear Rabbi Kramer,
Thank you so much for your kind words at yesterday's service for our parents.
My entire family was moved by your uplifting & thoughtful tribute to them. You are a very warm hearted and personable man- one who defines the very meaning of mensch.
May you always have this wonderful spirit and may you and your family be blessed by the almightly in all you do.
With warm regards,
Rabbi and Chanie,
Thank you for two beautiful Seders. As always, I enjoyed the experience, as if I were personally leaving Egypt. And, as an added bonus, I brought 4 souls with me out of their own Mitzraim. I hope you enjoyed your Exodus to Canada for a week. I look forward to Shabbat.
Dear Rabbi Kramer,
I would like to thank you for the lovely Bar Mitzvah Service you conducted last night for my grandson, M.W. We all enjoyed the event and in his honor, I would like to send you a token of our appreciation that you can use for a project at your Center for Jewish Life.
A Happy + Healthy Passover to you and your family.
H.H. D.D.S.
Dear Shimon and Chana,
Thank you so much for having us to your home for Shabbat. We had a wonderful time and the food was fantastic!
Please accept this donation for the Chabad Center, You do such important work for the Jewish Community and we appreciate it very much.
We look forward to seeing you and your family again.
M. & B. S.
Dear Chanie,
Thank you for a great first daycare/preschool experience. Thanks for being so accommodating to my nap schedule and milk/formula needs. I have made so many good friends. I look forward to learning and playing more this summer!
Dear Chanie,
Thank you so much for taking such good care of our son, and always with a smile! We really appreciate your dedication to his education and welfare. And we are very grateful to you for all the special accommodations you make for us throughout the year. It is in your merit that the ELC runs so smoothly. Thank you very much for all your hard work, motivation, and enthusiasm!
S. & Z. L.
Dear Kramer Family,
Thank you for taking such great care of our son. Hope you all have a nice summer.
Dear Rabbi Kramer & Chanie,
Thank you for your prayers while my father was in the hospital for 7 weeks. No one else showed an interest except for you both. We appreciate it. Now he's home recpoerating. Happy Shavouot.
Thank you so much for the Pesach food. It is very much appreciated.
Ms. Felberman:
Thank you. Thank you so much for ALL you did for me. Please, thank the people who donated as well as the very nice couple who went out of his way to bring me the groceries.
I am very thankful.
Have a most joyful and reflective Pesach.
Chanie, Thank you for this.
It is a lot of food and will be well used for Pesach.
Best to you and Shimon,
Rabbi Kramer, I am always left speechless by the tremendous work you do for our community. And I personally cannot than you enough for the personal support you have given me. Our community is so much stronger with you here. Thank you so much!!!
You ladies succeeded in every way! The atmosphere in the room was amazing! after this, no cancer sufferer will ever feel alone!
It was an incredible night.The warmth, love and kindness could be felt throughout. Our community is so blessed to have you & the Rabbi living and working amongst us. I was thrilled to be part of the evening.
Wishing you & your family a very good shabbos.
Dear Chanie and Rabbi,
Yasher Koach to all of you and the wonderful committee for a fantastic evening of sharing and rasing funds for such a deserving cause. I wish my Mother would have had such wonderful support and outpouring of love before she died. One of my fondest memories of her in the hospital was when Chabad came to her bed to bench Lulov. It has been 43 years since she passed away, but I will always remember that special moment for her.
Thank you for what you are doing for the community.
Dear Rabbi Kramer,
The services were inspirational. I liked how you told stories and provided explanations of the parts of the service as the chazzan was davening. I left the services each time with a feeling of calm, peace and contentment. Thanks again. I look forward to attending further services with Chabad of Merrick.
Dear Rabbi & Chanie,
Thanks for the wonderful experience you've given me. I couldn't have gotten it elsewhere!
Dear Rabbi,
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for taking out the time you did from your busy life to send my father off properly.
Dear Rabbi Kramer,
Thank you for your kind words, well wishes on the marriage of our daughter. Your warmth, accessibility and recitation of the Kiddush greatly enhanced the day. Thank you for helping to make the Aufruf absolutely beautiful!
Dear Rabbi Kramer,
I would like to comment how much we enjoyed the davening and warm welcome each of us received at your Chabad.
May this be a good year for us all and "Kol Yisrael"
Chabad of Merrick,
A special "thank you" to express our appreciation for all your help and thoughtfulness concerning our utility bills. May you all have a happy and healthy....
Dear Rabbi Kramer & Most of all Chanie,
Thank you for having us for Succoth & Shabbat. It was wonderful!! But most important, May Hashem continue to bless you and guard you.
I can't express how much I appreciate all the help you are giving to my in-laws, they are truly grateful.
Thank you
Dear Rabbi & Mrs. Kramer,
I just wanted to say Thank you for having an awesome camp this summer. I really enjoyed all the great trips and activities. I hope to see you next summer.
Thank you so much for sending the Herald with our picture on it! We were so excited! It was very thoughtful of you. We are looking forward to becoming more spiritually involved in the community and your outreach came as a reminder during a time in which we really needed a nudge.
With gratitude...
To Chabad:
We would like to acknowledge our appreciation to you, and your congregation for the assistance you gave us to aid with payment of our utility bills.
In today's economy it has become very difficult to manage all our bills.
We thank you again for your help.
Dear Rabbi Kramer,
Thank you so very much for taking the time to our daughter today. It meant so much to her, and to us, too. She mentioned a few programs you discussed that might be appropriate, for a long term residential program. I would love to research them if you could send me their names. She said she will sign a release with her social worker and Psychiatrist tomorrow for you to contact them. Thanks again,
Dear Rabbi & Chanie,
Thank you so much for inviting me to your Shabbos table-It was a very enjoyable evening.
Joel Yohay and his family extend their profound gratitude to Rabbi Kramer and all the members of this wonderful community who helped us through this very difficult period. The support of the three daily minyonim at our home and the steady stream of well wishers was very gratifying.
Our special thanks to Rabbi Kramer and Jill Sackler who enriched our mother's life with their regular visits.
Dear Rabbi & Chanie Kramer,
We want to thank you for reaching out to the community with your special Passover seders. We attended the second seder for the second year and again enjoyed it very much. We are enclosing a donation to Chabad to thank you for your generous hospitality.
Dear Chabad,
Thank you for delivering your meals to my parents. My father passed away earlier this week, Baruch Dayan Emes (Blessed be the true Judge), and we so appreciate your kindness and the warm smiles each week. May Hashem (G‑d) grant you blessings and success.
Dear Rabbi Kramer & Family,
Just a little thank you for all the help you & Chabad have given me this year! Remember me each Shabbat when you have a sip of wine. This stopper I hope will help you enjoy. Thank you again.
Dear Rabbi & Chana,
Thank you for the Shmurah Matzah. It will be a wonderful addition to our Seder. Hope your Pesach is beautiful.
We'd love to hear from you! If you would like to add a comment to our guestbook, please click here
Dear Chanie & Rabbi Kramer,
This might be the Ides of March, but you are two of the most wonderful community leaders in Merrick. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in helping me out the way you do with food assistance. You are always a credit to the Merrick Community, to the Town & County - not to mention being a credit to the Chabad itself. I wish I could thank you in some better way than just a card. Chanie & Rabbi Kramer you are a blessing.
Thank you
Dear Rabbi & Rebbitzin Kramer,
Thank you so much for the Shmura Matzah, which our son used for the seder....also for the 32 guests. Thank you again.
Have a sweet year.
Next year in Jerusalem!
Best regards
Thank you so much for the wig and for setting me up with Beautiful People Hair Salon, who were able to cut it and make it look more realistic. I really appreciate your kindness in helping me through this difficult time.
Thank you so much for the meals. Our family is forever grateful for the Chabad’s continued generosity to our family and community.
Thank you for extending the meal pickup to our family. Normally, we wouldn’t be looking to pickup food, but yesterday’s storm knocked out all the power in our home and neighborhood. We may not get power back for a few days. We’re ok, but all our refrigerated/frozen foods are now spoiled. After I realized this, I signed us up for food pickup for today. Thank you again for making this possible and we’re very grateful for this. Wishing you a good day.
We received the gift card and we are so appreciative. We went to the store and got what we needed for Passover. They had plenty  of Passover products and chicken and meat in the store. Â
4/2/20Â L.LÂ
Thank you so much for all the help you provided for our family and others. May Hashem bring you all happiness and health and much success BH
The service you guys are providing is an incredible one. Thank you so much for all that you do.
❤️💓 H.B.
We want to thank you for so graciously welcoming our family on Yom Kippur. This year has been very difficult for so many in our community and that made the opportunity to uphold our tradition of davening Neilah with you and the Chassidim of Merrick even more special.
We look forward to a year of revealed blessings for all.
The B.* Family
B.* & I are grateful that you made it possible for us to attend the High Holy Day services by taking the extra effort to create a safe environment (separate tables, sanitized books, etc.) in walking distance to our home during the time of the novel COVID-19.
Rabbi Brod explained the service with clarity and wisdom. Thank you! The Cantor's singing was pleasant and inspiring.
We appreciate the Chabad programs that you carefully plan and execute which are especially an asset to the Merrick, Bellmore communities and particularly our Merrick Woods neighborhood.
May we all be written and sealed in the book of Life for a sweet, healthy, and successful year.
Shana Tova
Bar Mitzvah:
Please send our thanks again to Rabbi Kramer! It was a beautiful service.
Please thank the Rabbi and Chani for stopping by last night. It meant a lot to Laura and me.